For this project I went to the Holland building. The first thing that's recognizable throughout the whole exterior of the building is the fact that the laws of similarity and proximity are everywhere. The huge vertical pillars and vertical lines in the windows as well as the the horizontal lines in the facade and a few other windows are abundant and all grouped together very well.
For the law of continuity I saw the stairs being a great example. There is a lot going on with them but when you really think about what you look at, my eyes, anyway, follow the railing smoothly up the floors. It flows almost organically.
I was having difficulties figuring out what to post for the law of closure. But when going up to the second to top floor I saw it perfectly reflected in the glass on the wall. The windows straight ahead are perfectly reflected to the glass on the left side, making the windows go on seamlessly. In reality, they already to continue to the left side of the building, but the fact that the glass does it itself is very mystifying.
The last law is the law of pragnanz.I was searching the building and finally found a great example on the top floor. Where the lamps are plugged to the floor on the study tables there are these very cool, almost spine-ish, looking cylinders surrounding the wires. I thought it perfectly demonstrated this law because we are able to make recognizable shapes out of this complex system, even relate it to a body part because of the structure, the spine.
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